I appreciate your efforts which has made me compelled to host my blog at my own hosting please visit I would like you all to be a part of the next step .
My recent visits to some other blogs has made me want to share how i finally arrive to a painting . And so first of many ...sooner i will be sharing the processes...
Nomads in particular are so apt to begin their lives at new places its like they have learned to not fear failures..as they believe that they can start all over again.
I just bought a new light pen with which this painting was created..... a first attempt ...not bad huh??? wat say??
Completing 3 Years of " Mera Angle " - It has been very exciting journey so far and I am looking forward to it for years to come ...wishing you all a very happy and prosperous new year may all able to give a fist to all the negativity in them and bring out the light to make the world a better place.
Missing you , you are with me, yet you are not here love is all around yet i find you not here what is with emotions cant they stick around for bit longer....